================================================================ WMF51 Wireless Media Presenter FW Version: 3.1.6C.40.B3023 ============= System Information Commands ?/HELP Print Help Information STATUS Print System Status And Port Status INSTA Print All Input Status OUTSTA Print All Output Status CTRLSTA Print All Control Status AUDSTA Print All Audio Status SECSTA Print All Security Status NETSTA Print All Network Status ============= System Cortrol Commands PON/OFF Set System Power On Or Off KEY ON/OFF Set System Key Control On Or Off RESET Reset System To Default Setting OSD HOME Force to Home Screen OUT MUTE ON/OFF Set Output Video Mute On Or Off OUT OSD ON/OFF Show the base device name and password when mirroring OUT ooo W widx FR iii Set Output ooo Multiview Window widx From Input iii ooo = 00 all output widx = 01-04 Multiview Window iii = 01-n Select input OUT xx RES rr Set Output Scaler Resolution To rr xx = [00..01]: Select One Output Port rr = 00: Auto rr = 01: 720P@50Hz rr = 02: 720P@60Hz rr = 03: 1080P@30Hz rr = 04: 1080P@50Hz rr = 05: 1080P@60Hz rr = 06: 4K@30Hz rr = 07: 4K@50Hz rr = 08: 4K@60Hz AUD OUT Audio output selection AUDIO FR yy Set Output Audio From Input yy VOL vv Set Volume Level vv On Output INFORCE xxx xxx = 000 : Stop fullscreen sharing xx = 001-00n Fullscreen selected Input xx = IP Address xx = Name STBYON Enables Auto Standby mode STBYOFF Disables Auto Standby mode STBDLY xx Set Auto standby Delay xx = 00 STBYOFF xx = 01-30 = time in minutes OUT SIDEBAR ON/OFF Statusbar show/Statusbar hide PAIR Get button info PAIRREMOVE xx Remove paired dongle ============= RS232 Control Commands RS232BAUD x Set RS232 Baud Rate To x x = 1 2400, 2 4800, 3 9600,4 19200, 5 38400,6 57600 (Default), 7 115200 ============= Network Control Commands LAN yy DHCP ON/OFF Set Auto IP(DHCP) On Or Off LAN yy IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Set IP Address LAN yy GW xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Set Gateway Address LAN yy SM xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Set Subnet Mask Address LAN yy TCPPORT xxxx Set TCP/IP Port LAN yy RB Set Network Reboot And Apply New Config!!! LAN yy DNS xxxx Set DNS Domain Name To xxxx yy=1 LAN1 yy=2 LAN2 ============= WIFI Control Commands WIFI ON/OFF Turn wifi hotspot On or Off WIFI FREQ ff CH ccc Set wifi hotspot frequency and channel ff = 2: 2.4Ghz ff = 5: 5Ghz ccc = For 2.4Ghz: 1-11 ccc = For 5Ghz: 36, 40, 44, 48, 149, 153, 157, 161, auto WIFI SSID xxxx Set wifi SSID WIFI PASS xxxx Set wifi PASS REFRESH PASS Change Wifi Password ================================================================