MX44KVM 4x4 USB 3.0 Matrix Switcher ===================System Information Commands STATUS Print System Status And Port Status INSTA Print All Input Status OUTSTA Print All Output Status GPIOSTATUS Print All GPIO Status CASCADESTATUS Print All Cascade Status ===================System Control Commands PON/OFF Set System Power On Or Off IR ON/OFF Set System IR Control On Or Off KEY ON/OFF Set System Key Control On Or Off RESET Reset System To Default Setting (Type 'Yes' To Confirm, Or Send Other Command To Discard) USBOUT xx FR yy Set USB Host From Device:yy xx = [01-04] : USB Host 1 - 4 yy = [01-04] : USB Device 1 - 4 yy = 00 : All USB Device DEVICE xx ON/OFF Set Disable USB Device Data Connection xx = 0 : All Devices xx = [01-04] : Device 1 - 4 DEVICE xx PON/POFF Set Disable USB Device Power xx = 0 : All Devices xx = [01-04] : Device 1 - 4 PRESET pp SAVE Save Current Output Connections To Preset pp Config pp = [01-09] : Preset 1 - 9 PRESET pp CLR Delete Preset pp Config pp = [00-09] : 00 : All Presets, pp = [01-09]: Preset 1 - 9 PRESET pp APPLY Apply Preset pp Config To Output Connection pp = [01-09] : Preset 1 - 9 GPIOENABLE x Set GPIO Enable/Disable x = [0-1] 0 : Disable, 1 : Enable HOST xx FR yy Set The Relationship Between MX44KVM Output And AV Input xx = [01-04] : USB Host 1 - 4 yy = 00 : Off yy = [01-16] : AV Input 1 - 16 DEVICE xx OUT yy Set The Relationship Between MX44KVM Input And AV Output xx = [01-04] : USB Device 1 - 4 yy = 00 : Off yy = [01-16] : AV Output 1 - 16 OUTPIN xx MODE yy TIME zzzz Set GPIO xx Output Mode To yy Trigger Time zzzz xx = 00 : All GPIO xx = [01-04] : GPIO 1 - 4 yy = 00 : Close Output Mode yy = [01-03] : Mode 1 - 3 (1: output 5v 50mA, 2: output 12v 5 0mA, 3: Contact Closure) zzzz = [0005-1800] : time 0.5s - 180s INPIN xx MODE yy SN z Set GPIO xx Input Mode To yy Trigger Level z xx = 00 : All GPIO xx = [01-04] : GPIO 1 - 4 yy = [00-02] : Mode 0 - 2 (0-Turn Off All Detection Modes,1-T urn On Standby Mode Detection,2-Turn On Auto Switching Mode Detection) z = [0-1] : SN 0 - 1 (Trigger Level: 0 - Low Level Valid, 1 - High Level Valid) ==================RS232 Control Commands RS232PASSFEED ON/OFF Set RS232-2 Feedback On Or Off AUTOSWITCHING ON/OFF Set Auto Switching Mode On Or Off RS232PASS xx Set The RS232 Transparent Transmission Mode xx = 01 : Local Control Of MX44KVM & Passthrough To Rs-232 Port 2 xx = 02 : Local Control Of MX44KVM Only xx = 03 : Passthrough To RS-232 Port 2 Only RS232BAUD z Set RS232-1 & RS232-2 Baud Rate To xx z = 1 - 2400, 2 - 4800, 3 - 9600, 4 - 19200, 5 - 38400, 6 - 57600 (Default), 7 - 115200 RS232ONOUT a:b:c:d Send The RS232 Command d To Port a At Baud Rate c And Form at b a = 1 - RS232-1, 2 - RS232-2 b = a ASCII, h HEX c = 1 - 2400, 2 - 4800, 3 - 9600, 4 - 19200, 5 - 38400, 6 - 57600 (Default), 7 - 115200 d = RS232 Command ================ Network Control Commands NET DHCP ON/OFF Set Auto IP(DHCP) On Or Off NET MDNS ON/OFF Set mDNS On Or Off NET IP Set IP Address NET GW Set Gateway Address NET SM Set Subnet Mask Address NET RB Set Network Reboot And Apply New Config!!! NET TN xxxx Set Telnet Port NET TN ON/OFF Set Telnet Port On Or Off NET TN8000 ON/OFF Set Telnet Port 8000 On Or Off ================================================================